MDGeneticPro HCV

Save Lives with HCV Genotype Testing

Effectively diagnose and treat patients for Hepatitis C with MDGeneticPro HCV. Our specialized testing solution detects all six common HCV genotypes from a single blood draw. Treatment is effective in up to 90% of cases if management is properly initiated. MDGeneticPro HCV testing helps determine the right combination of therapy and treatment needed for each patient.

Who should be tested?

  • Adults born during 1945 – 1965
  • Current & former drug users
  • Treated for blood clotting before 1987
  • Received blood transfusion or organ transplant before July 1992
  • Long-term hemodialysis treatment
  • Abnormal liver tests or liver disease
  • Healthcare or public safety works exposed to blood through needle stick or other sharp objects
  • Those infected with HIV

Let’s Talk

We want to hear from you! Tell us more about your interest in MDGeneticPro HCV today.

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Read Our Blog

Understanding HCV Testing

Hepatitis C is a debilitating disease that can lead to cirrhosis of your liver, liver failure, or liver cancer. The disease is caused by the blood borne Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). The danger here is that you may not be aware that you are carrying the virus, until much...

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Testing Patients for Hepatitis C

Talking to Patients about Hepatitis C Testing You may wish to present the hepatitis C test as simply one in a set of routine tests conducted to assess general health. The following script was designed to help facilitate a discussion about hepatitis C testing....

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MDGeneticPro HCV

Save Lives with HCV Genotype Testing

Effectively diagnose and treat patients for Hepatitis C with MDGeneticPro HCV. Our specialized testing solution detects all six common HCV genotypes from a single blood draw. Treatment is effective in up to 90% of cases if management is properly initiated. MDGeneticPro HCV testing helps determine the right combination of therapy and treatment needed for each patient. 


Who should be tested?

  • Adults born during 1945 – 1965
  • Current & former drug users
  • Treated for blood clotting before 1987
  • Received blood transfusion or organ transplant before July 1992
  • Long-term hemodialysis treatment
  • Abnormal liver tests or liver disease
  • Healthcare or public safety works exposed to blood through needle stick or other sharp objects
  • Those infected with HIV

Let’s Talk

We want to hear from you! Tell us more about your interest in MDGeneticPro HCV today.

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Read Our Blog

Understanding HCV Testing

Hepatitis C is a debilitating disease that can lead to cirrhosis of your liver, liver failure, or liver cancer. The disease is caused by the blood borne Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). The danger here is that you may not be aware that you are carrying the virus, until much...

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Testing Patients for Hepatitis C

Talking to Patients about Hepatitis C Testing You may wish to present the hepatitis C test as simply one in a set of routine tests conducted to assess general health. The following script was designed to help facilitate a discussion about hepatitis C testing....

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