
Allergic asthma is a condition in which our immune system overreacts to allergens. When allergens enter our airways, our immune system releases chemicals that also releases histamine, which causes inflammation.

This is why people with asthma are those who experience tightening of airways. When allergens enter our body, the allergens trigger histamine to build-up in the allergic area. As a result, the histamine build-up makes the area to swell. If the inflamed area is the airway, the muscles around it will also be tightened. Therefore, allergic asthma is a strange sensitivity in airway.

1. Runny Nose

Many of us experience runny nose, and it does not mean we all have allergic asthma. There are many factors that cause it. It could be fever, cold, or flu. However, runny nose must be coupled with other symptoms of allergic asthma to closely confirm it.

Even without the occurrence of other symptoms, runny nose can be associated with asthma at a certain level. This means that severe runny nose may no longer be normal especially when difficulty in breathing is already involved. Moreover, the occurrence must be consistent with presence of what may have caused it.

2. Sneezing

Sneezing is the most common symptom of allergy not only of allergic asthma but also of other allergies. When we sneeze, it means we expel foreign substances that our body could not take. Our immune system is always alert when allergens enter our body. Since our nose is vulnerable to allergens, our naturally detects them and blocks them immediately. When too many allergens have already penetrated, we tend to sneeze over and over again until our nose is cleared temporarily. It may occur once again when mucus that contains allergens get through our nose.

3. Itchy Eyes

Aside from nose, eyes are also vulnerable to allergens. In fact, our eyes are one of the most sensitive areas of our body. A grain of dust can make our eyes react, let alone allergens.

It is just normal to have itchy eyes when something suddenly enters it. What makes it a symptom for allergic asthma is when eyes get suddenly itchy immediately upon having a runny nose. It is caused by overproduction of histamine that inflames not just your nasal area but also nearby such as eyes and ears.

4. Cough

Cough will always be one of the symptoms of all types of asthma. There are also many types of cough, but dry cough is a strong sign that it could be asthma-related. Just like sneezing, coughing is a natural reaction to expel allergens.

On the other hand, coughing cannot release the allergens the way sneezing does. What coughing can do is to try to expel mucus or phlegm depending on the severity. However, to expel mucus or phlegm is difficult when you have a dry cough. Symptoms for allergic asthma are usually a type of cough coupled with phlegm and mucus the way a runny nose is clogged with mucus.

5. Difficulty Breathing

Difficulty in breathing alone can be considered a strong sign of allergic asthma. This is due to the tightening of airway and the inflammation of muscles around it. Difficulty in breathing includes short breathing and breathing quickly.


Allergic asthma may be a permanent condition that can be treated. If you don’t know whether or not you have an allergic asthma, the above signs and symptoms may give you a clue. Nevertheless, it is still best to consult your doctor if symptoms persist.