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Anaphylaxis is Deadly

Simply put, the first risk for Anaphylaxis is death. Anaphylaxis propels you into a life-threatening allergic reaction. This allergic reaction occurs by ingesting food, medication, through insect stings and latex use.

Causes of Anaphylaxis

If you have an allergy to any of these substances and come in contact with them, they can affect you to the point where you fight for your life. A person who is allergic to a substance has an overreaction to that substance when ingested or injected.

This highly allergic substance releases a chemical in your body that causes dramatic allergic reactions of which anaphylaxis is the last response before death which affects several areas of the body. Immediate treatment must be started right away to prevent anaphylaxis shock, resulting in death.

When you have asthma, allergies, a family history of anaphylaxis your risks run higher them other people. Each anaphylaxis reaction your body fights only enhances and increases your chances of another more severe reaction.

If you have asthma and allergies, you must monitor your intake of allergens that you know causes you allergic reactions.

Time is Vital to Seeking Immediate Medical Help

When you anticipate you have come in contact with a toxic substance to your body, time is of the essence in seeking medical help. You only have a matter of minutes to get emergency help to counteract these signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis. Never leave these signs and symptoms go untreated, as your life depends on getting medical help as soon as possible.

Symptoms of Possible Anaphylactic Reaction

The pre-symptoms for an anaphylactic reaction may not seem significant enough to seek medical attention. However, these symptoms soon become severe.

Listed are some symptoms you may experience before the anaphylactic reaction occurs. You are at high risk for a follow-up anaphylactic reaction in a few hours, so you must monitor yourself carefully or be under the care of emergency professionals.

  • A runny nose and Sneezing
  • Skin Rash
  • dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Weakness
  • Fainting
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing on breathing
  • Chest tightness
  • Chest Pain
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Swelling of the throat and tongue
  • Weak pulse

One and Only One Treatment for Anaphylaxis Reaction

The usual treatment for an anaphylaxis reaction is an injection of epinephrine at a medical facility. If you have experienced an anaphylactic reaction in the past, it is advisable that you carry on your person a few doses of epinephrine.

You may hear the words of Anaphylactic shock. Few people go into this type of shock that robs the body of blood circulation, nutrients, and oxygen. You can stop an anaphylaxis reaction before it becomes a shock situation.

Anaphylaxis History – Carry Two Doses of Epinephrine Pens at all Times

Epinephrine pens can reverse your risks for anaphylaxis reaction in a matter of seconds. If you administer a dose of epinephrine and it is not effective in a matter of seconds, you administer the second dose right away.

Certain medications prove ineffective in reversing an anaphylaxis reaction. Medication such as an antihistamine will not help you.

If you have a history of anaphylaxis reaction, you need to make people around you aware of your history. Wear a medical alert bracelet.

A True Anaphylaxis Reaction

Medical professionals can determine if you at risk for anaphylaxis with signs of low blood pressure, dizziness, shortness of breath, rash, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Having these symptoms after coming in contact with an allergen seals your chances for anaphylaxis.

In Conclusion

When know you are allergic to bee stings, fish, and any other substance that allows severe reactions to your body, avoid at all cost these problematic issues.