
Everybody Is Different

Did you know that it’s possible to experience the development of an allergy after years of being allergy free? Allergies sometimes seem to come from nowhere, and to disappear as quickly. Sometimes this has to do with a change in location, sometimes it has to do with a change in health.

Say you’ve grown up in the same region of the country all your life, then at the end of summer, you move to a college two thousand miles away in a different climate. Every Summer in Southern California, you breathed easy, and had no allergic reactions to the climate. But during the spring in Iowa, where you’re pursuing a degree in some agricultural discipline, you suddenly start hacking, wheezing, sneezing, and itching your eyes until they became raw. Why? Is it an illness? Have you come down with something?

No; your immune system is just encountering a new form of allergen that it has never seen before, and is accordingly reacting. Likely, you’re getting a ragweed reaction for the first time, or what’s commonly known as “hay fever”.


Now there are no known cures for allergies at this time, but that doesn’t mean cures aren’t out there. Scientists, especially in medicine, live in bubbles just like you did in South California before you went to Iowa. The scientists swim in scientific circles, and only accept new data from other similarly-minded individuals. While this does help them make breakthroughs, it also blinds them to certain possibilities because those have already been dismissed by their educational clique.

This is why it took so long for acupuncture to be admitted in western medical circles as legitimate therapy. So it is possible allergy cures exist which remain undiscovered or acknowledged. But regardless, there are definitely treatments as idiosyncratic to individuals as contraction of varying allergies ends up being. Even Web MD is reticent to say allergies are totally incurable.

What kind of treatments you end up using will depend on the kind of allergy you have. For certain allergies, your best treatment is to avoid the allergen at all costs and keep an epinephrine pin nearby in case you encounter it incidentally–this is the case for many with peanut allergies. For others, you can use a kind of “inoculation” approach to help diminish symptoms.

Remedies To Consider

For example, if you were the person who developed hay fever in their teens, a way that will likely work to help you get over it is eating a spoonful of local honey every day for a year or so. The bees make their honey from plants that are local, and likely this will include some of the plants initiating your allergic reaction. When you eat the honey these bees have made, it gives your immune system a chance to encounter particulates from these allergens in a setting that doesn’t compromise the body. Your body then “learns” not to have a “reaction” when it encounters said allergens.

You could depend on allergy medications like Benadryl, or Claritin. These can clear you up, but you won’t be cured, and you’ll have to rely on them. Allergy shots are in this category, and can also be useful. That said, there is a cure on the horizon for cat allergies. As yet it’s not been fully developed, but it may be in the near future–so that could be an alternative for some that experience pet dander allergies.


Once one cure has been developed, additional ones will likely come. The bottom line is, whatever allergy measures you take must be convenient and effective for you.