How Diabetes Can Affect Your Eyes

Diabetes is a condition that occurs when your blood sugar is too high. This occurs because the disease makes it difficult for your body to make enough insulin or use it properly. There are two types of diabetes. Type I diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes and...

Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Image is from Diabetes Research Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is characterized by, among other symptoms, a high concentration of sugar in the blood. With the myriad of disorders, the beta cells located in the pancreas find it hard to produce enough insulin to...

Understanding Diabetes Awareness Month

Image is from CEAP If you are fighting diabetes, no one knows your fight better than another person who is fighting the same battle. If a person is not battling the war on diabetes, more than likely they do not give this illness a second thought. Is it possible you do...

Risk factors of type 2 diabetes

Image from the Factors Listed As a brief checklist, run over the following items and see how many describe your lifestyle: Diabetes In The Family History Gestational Diabetes In Family History Ethnicity Bad Nutrition In Pregnancy High Blood Pressure...

Understanding Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a life-long disease that affects the way your body handles the glucose in your blood. There are 27 million people in the United States who suffer from this condition and 86 million people with prediabetes. What Causes Type 2 Diabetes? There are...