
Image is from Luvo

Every month is a good month to expound on the benefits of physical fitness and sports. However, May is set aside as the one month, out of 12 where the focus is high in the areas of physical fitness and sports. Start getting physically fit in May.

What is Physical Fitness?

Physical fitness is good for everyone from babies to seniors. All ages realize that physical activity is great for the body. To be physically active means adding years to your life. May is the best time to spread the good news about the benefits of physical fitness and the sports arena. You must be physically fit to play sports. If your activity level is at an all-time low, May is the month to make some changes.

  • Listed are a few of examples of how physical activity can impact your life.
  • Be creative and find fun interests to help you become more active.
  • If you are a child or teenager, increase your physical activity because this improves your bone, muscle, and heart health.
  • If you are an adult becoming more physical means that you are going to lower your risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
  • If you are a senior becoming more active means you reduce your risk for falls, you improve your cognition, improve your judgment and reactions

Ways to Become More Physically Active

  • Take a walk
  • Go for a bicycle ride
  • Go for a run
  • Play a round of golf
  • Play a game of tennis
  • Follow a favorite exercise video
  • Join an exercise class
  • Jump on the treadmill

How do you Maintain Physical Well-being?

Accomplish peak health and wellness by getting sufficient rest at night, by eating healthy, well-balanced meals and snacks every day, exercise, good hygiene, annual checkups, avoid smoking, drug, and alcohol abuse.

Arrive at the Peak of Physical Fitness starting in May

Physical fitness means you eat well-balanced proper nutrition. You participate in physical exercise according to your abilities, and you realize adequate restful sleep every night. You may only need six hours of restful sleep.

Physical fitness is also your ability in many different areas such as, tasks that do not create undue fatigue, your heart and circulatory endurance, your muscle strength and endurance, your body’s flexibility.

Benefits of Physical Fitness

If you are physically fit in all areas you increase your body’s ability to live a longer and fuller life. Your physical and mental capabilities are excellent and you have less risk for disease processes to set into your body.

When you are physically fit you realize an ideal body weight range, which is important for longevity. Did you know that if you are over 30 pounds your ideal body weight range you are considered obese? One pound over these 30 pounds and you become morbidly obese.

If you are physically fit you move your body easier and realize better agility, you have quicker responses and reflexes, you realize better coordination, your balance improves, you run your race faster, enjoy life more, and live longer.

Muscle strength, respiratory fitness, and overall endurance equal a physically fit body that is ready for living life to the fullest.

Spread the Word in May

The National Physical Fitness and Sports Month say to encourage those around you to be more active. Speak to your children’s teachers to initiate physical activity every day in your child’s class.

You can help spread the word by initiating a newsletter to the community about physical fitness. Research family fitness activities and encourage your family, friends, and neighbors join in on the fun.