
Image is from women

Every year, many people participate in the National HIV Testing Day, which takes place every June 27th. This is in line with the government’s HIV awareness campaign. The objective of this annual event is to identify people with HIV and educate them about various treatment procedures. This will also enable HIV patients to find community support to reduce the effect of the disease.

On the other hand, people with negative results should be aware about fighting HIV. The National HIV Testing Day is not just for HIV carriers but for all people who can make a difference.

Benefits of Participating the National HIV Testing Day

Know if You Have HIV

The ultimate benefit of participating in the National HIV Testing Day is, of course, to know whether or not you suffer from HIV. Most people usually would not initiate a move to visit a doctor for HIV diagnosis simply because it never occurs in their mind that they have HIV until they are suddenly or accidentally tested.

The National HIV Testing Day will help people find out whether or not they suffer from HIV. This will encourage not only those who suspect themselves to be carrying the disease, but also those who wish to ensure they are healthy all the time.

In the US, there an average of 45,000 people adding to the list of 1.2 million HIV patients every year. This shows that National HIV Testing Day helps discover more HIV carriers who even didn’t know they had HIV.

Know the Latest in HIV Treatments

In the past, there was virtually no treatment for HIV. Nowadays, there are a lot of medicines and procedures that can reduce the effects of the symptoms of HIV. Although there is no permanent cure yet for HIV, there are a lot of studies and research programs that are being undertaken to find the ultimate cure for HIV, and the National HIV Testing Day can be a proper way to get updates on them.

Most people think that having HIV is like the end of the world. However, if they are able to develop new technologies and treatment procedures for HIV, they will become more confident to move on with their lives and stay healthy.

Preventing HIV

The National HIV Testing Day aims to educate as many people as possible about the risk of HIV and how it can be prevented. Though some ideas about HIV prevention seem like common sense to many people, they can also serve as reminders, so they can give importance to HIV prevention.

However, there are also many people who are not even aware of the ways to prevent HIV. For instance, some people don’t know that blood transfusion may cause HIV if not handled properly. Another thing is that some people don’t know that they inherit HIV from their parents who don’t know they are suffering from such disease. The National HIV Testing Day is a chance to learn what to do in such cases.

Who Should Participate in the National HIV Testing Day?

Anyone between 13 years old and 64 years old. Male and female regardless of health conditions are encouraged to get tested. To participate, find a testing site near you or visit any organization that actively promotes HIV prevention.


The National HIV Testing Day is observed every year the way people observe a holiday. However, you don’t have to wait until June 27th just to get tested for HIV. You can do it anywhere it may be offered.