
Image is from Alzheimer’s Disease International

Alzheimer’s is a brain disease that causes a person’s thinking and reasoning skills to slow down. This disease is much more than becoming forgetful once in a while. For most people the signs start out relatively minor, and over time, the symptoms begin to progress. There are 10 warning signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s. People can experience one or more symptom and everyone will experience the symptoms to different degrees.

Memory Loss To the Extent That It Disrupts Your Daily Life

The most common sign of Alzheimer’s disease is memory loss. The memory loss associated with this disease is more serious than forgetting a dentist appointment or losing your keys once or twice. Most people with this disease forget things that they have recently learned. It is also not uncommon to forget dates and events. Finally, if you are constantly asking people to give you the same information again and again, it could be a sign of Alzheimer’s.

Trouble With Problem Solving and Planning

Many people with Alzheimer’s have trouble following plans. For example, if you are struggling to follow a recipe that you have made in the past, it could be an early sign of Alzheimer’s. Also, if you are typically great keeping track of your bills and suddenly your bills aren’t getting paid, you should see a doctor. Finally, concentration problems are a very common sign.

Difficulty Completing Familiar Tasks

Alzheimer’s makes it difficult for you to complete common tasks that you can usually handle everyday. Driving to familiar locations, handling normal tasks at work, and even remembering the rules to your favorite game can suddenly be difficult. As the disease progresses, you could start to struggle with using the microwave or turning on the television.

Confusion Regarding Time and Place

Alzheimer’s can make it difficult for you to understand time. Many people with Alzheimer’s disease believe that things from their past are occurring in the present. For example, you could be in the present, but think that things from your life 20 years ago are occurring now. It is very easy for a person with Alzheimer’s to get stuck in the past. It can also be easy for you to forget where you are. When you have figured out where you are, you can struggle to remember how you got there.

Trouble Understanding Visual Images

There are some Alzheimer’s patients who struggle with visual images. If you have trouble reading or judging distance, it is a sign of Alzheimer’s. Also, if you struggle to determine colors or contrast, it is also cause for concern.

Trouble Having a Conversation

If you have Alzheimer’s disease, it can be difficult for you to engage in a conversation with other people. In the middle of the conversation, you can forget what you were talking about, resulting in a long pause. Also, it is not uncommon to repeat yourself often. Finally, it can be difficult to find the right word for certain objects. When you cannot think of the right word, you may be tempted to make up a word for the object yourself. For example, if you cannot remember the name for a refrigerator, you might call it a cold box.

Frequently Misplacing Objects

A common sign of Alzheimer’s is misplacing things often. Many people with this disease will put things away in strange places. If you lose something and your loved ones ask you to retrace your steps, you might not be able to remember where you just were.

Alzheimer’s disease can effect your brain in many ways. A mind that was once clear can often become foggy and confused.