MDGeneticPro HCV

Save Lives with HCV Genotype Testing
Effectively diagnose and treat patients for Hepatitis C with MDGeneticPro HCV. Our specialized testing solution detects all six common HCV genotypes from a single blood draw. Treatment is effective in up to 90% of cases if management is properly initiated. MDGeneticPro HCV testing helps determine the right combination of therapy and treatment needed for each patient.
Who should be tested?
- Adults born during 1945 – 1965
- Current & former drug users
- Treated for blood clotting before 1987
- Received blood transfusion or organ transplant before July 1992
- Long-term hemodialysis treatment
- Abnormal liver tests or liver disease
- Healthcare or public safety works exposed to blood through needle stick or other sharp objects
- Those infected with HIV
Let’s Talk
We want to hear from you! Tell us more about your interest in MDGeneticPro HCV today.

Read Our Blog
Complications for Type 2 diabetes
The onset of Type II Diabetes occurs after adulthood, and usually between ages of 40 and 50. The causative factors and the treatment, however, is very much the same as for juvenile diabetes: Daily blood sugar level tests and injections of insulin and/or oral...
How to manage Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a virus that is normally carried in the bloodstream to the liver. Then, it can affect and damage your liver. This virus can also affect other body parts, including the immune system, the digestive system, and the brain. Hepatitis C infection calls for...
How Are Women Of Childbearing Age At Risk For Hepatitis C
What Is Hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a known severe liver disease. It is contagious and deadly, causing untold liver damage and sometimes liver cancer. You can have hepatitis C, and you may not know it unless you test. You can contact hepatitis C through coming in...
How can a mother prevent HCV transmission to child
Becoming a new mother to a precious newborn baby brings a lot of worry all on its own. Worrying about the ways to prevent HCV transmission to the newborn might be also a concern of yours if you currently have the viral infection. To help ease your mind the information...
Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a life-long disease that affects the way your body handles the glucose in your blood. There are 27 million people in the United States who suffer from this condition and 86 million people with prediabetes. What Causes Type 2 Diabetes? There are...
Top 10 Health Risks for Men
When it comes to health risks, it is important to realize and remember that every individual is unique. When you consider the specifics of DNA, genetics, and other family and lifestyle traits, then you have to be aware of what could affect you the most. That being...
MDGeneticPro HCV

Save Lives with HCV Genotype Testing
Effectively diagnose and treat patients for Hepatitis C with MDGeneticPro HCV. Our specialized testing solution detects all six common HCV genotypes from a single blood draw. Treatment is effective in up to 90% of cases if management is properly initiated. MDGeneticPro HCV testing helps determine the right combination of therapy and treatment needed for each patient.
Who should be tested?
- Adults born during 1945 – 1965
- Current & former drug users
- Treated for blood clotting before 1987
- Received blood transfusion or organ transplant before July 1992
- Long-term hemodialysis treatment
- Abnormal liver tests or liver disease
- Healthcare or public safety works exposed to blood through needle stick or other sharp objects
- Those infected with HIV

Let’s Talk
We want to hear from you! Tell us more about your interest in MDGeneticPro HCV today.
Read Our Blog
Complications for Type 2 diabetes
The onset of Type II Diabetes occurs after adulthood, and usually between ages of 40 and 50. The causative factors and the treatment, however, is very much the same as for juvenile diabetes: Daily blood sugar level tests and injections of insulin and/or oral...
How to manage Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a virus that is normally carried in the bloodstream to the liver. Then, it can affect and damage your liver. This virus can also affect other body parts, including the immune system, the digestive system, and the brain. Hepatitis C infection calls for...
How Are Women Of Childbearing Age At Risk For Hepatitis C
What Is Hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a known severe liver disease. It is contagious and deadly, causing untold liver damage and sometimes liver cancer. You can have hepatitis C, and you may not know it unless you test. You can contact hepatitis C through coming in...
How can a mother prevent HCV transmission to child
Becoming a new mother to a precious newborn baby brings a lot of worry all on its own. Worrying about the ways to prevent HCV transmission to the newborn might be also a concern of yours if you currently have the viral infection. To help ease your mind the information...
Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a life-long disease that affects the way your body handles the glucose in your blood. There are 27 million people in the United States who suffer from this condition and 86 million people with prediabetes. What Causes Type 2 Diabetes? There are...
Top 10 Health Risks for Men
When it comes to health risks, it is important to realize and remember that every individual is unique. When you consider the specifics of DNA, genetics, and other family and lifestyle traits, then you have to be aware of what could affect you the most. That being...