What is Colon Cancer?

Image is from Everyday Health Colon cancer is the accumulation of cancer cells in the lower part of the large intestine. These tumors typically begin as small benign growths referred to as polyps that turn into malignant tumors over time. Stages of Colon Cancer When a...

Colorectal Cancer

Image is from Colon Cancer Alliance Colorectal cancer is most common if there is a family history of it, colon polyps present and long bouts of ulcerative colitis without treatment. With that said, colon cancer can affect anyone. Sometimes all it takes for the cancer...

Understanding Colon Cancer

Image is from Health Essentials From Cleveland Clinic Colon cancer is synonymous with the cancer of the large intestines, which is the lower region the digestive system. In the United States, over twelve thousand people are diagnosed with this form of cancer every...

Understanding Gluten Intolerance

Image is from Doctor Doni Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, barley, rye, kamut, spelt, and other grains. A gluten intolerance does not necessarily mean you have Celiac disease. There are many people who cannot tolerate gluten that do not test positive for...