Think Pink: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Conquering Cancer Breast Cancer Awareness Month is between October 1st and 31st this year. This tragic condition affects approximately 1 in 8 women throughout their lives. That’s 12.5 percent of the total population, according to those numbers. If the world has...

Improving your Lung Health

Improving Your Lung Health The lungs play the important role of feeding oxygen to your blood, the oxygen you need to burn glucose and produce energy. They’re also responsible for getting riding of the byproduct – carbon dioxide. This makes them a very...

Symptoms of Depression

Over 16.1 million people in the United States suffer from depression. For some, it is mild. There are other people who suffer from persistent depressive disorder (PDD), which continues for at least two years. Some people become depressed after serious life events such...

How to Handle Domestic Violence

  Domestic violence is a very serious problem in the United States. Statistics show that 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner every minute. If you suspect that a friend or family member is being abused, it is up to you to intervene. If you...

Standing up to Bullies

Image is from MH West & Co., Inc. Bullies are people who are cruel and intimidate those who are weaker. One may tend to think that bullies are only found in our junior years but you can also encounter them in your adulthood. You’re probably wondering how this is...