
Image is from Pollen.com

Individuals with pollen allergies may face tough times this year as pollen count is said to heighten. Growth and development of trees as well their production of pollen will soon intensify since the tree season is historically known to begin in early to mid-March or April (latest). Chances are that the season might peak with high pollen counts. Additionally, the grass season (known for grass pollen) generally starts at around may, which in any case will worsen the situation. If you are usually allergic to pollen, this is to say misery and adversity awaits you. Apart from the usual allergic reaction of sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, headaches, throat aches and a runny nose, a combination of high pollen counts could result in wheezing and a lot of trouble while breathing. Precaution is much needed especially because an inflamed airway from allergic triggers could eventually develop into asthma which is fatal. If you have developed pollen allergies in the past, it is only prudent to take medication early enough before the season hits.

Pollen Allergies

Outdoor allergens such as pollen are the leading causes of seasonal allergies. It’s possible for the wind to carry pollen for long distances since they are light, small and dry. The levels of pollen vary each day depending upon various factors such as the weather.

Common Pollen Allergies

The following types of pollen allergies are the most prevalent:

  • Grass pollen

Grasses usually release pollen as from late spring until fall. Out of over 1,200 species of grass, the major causative of allergies are Bermuda, Johnson, blue, Timothy, sweet vernal and orchard grasses.

  • Weed pollen

Ragweed is a weed pollen plant that has grown throughout the United States especially in pastures and dry fields and even at construction sites and by roadsides. This tall and branched plant produces a lot of pollen which makes it a major causative agent of hay fever in most areas. As a result of high weed pollen count this year, you may experience severe pollen allergy symptoms.

  • Tree pollen

Hardwood deciduous trees typically pollinate from late winter towards the end of spring, but this might depend on your geographical location. Watch out for pollen from the following trees:

  • hazel
  • ash
  • elm
  • oak
  • birch
  • alder
  • maple

Symptoms of Pollen Allergy

The most common symptoms of allergy include nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy watery eyes, and sneezing. An allergist can help you perform allergy testing so as to determine whether you are reacting to pollen or you’re allergic to another substance like dust mites, pet danger or mold.

Tips for Pollen Allergy Relief

The following are smart and simple tips to help relieve you when you have pollen allergy:

  • Cover up – put on a simple painter’s mask when performing outside chores or working in the garden.
  • Beat the clock – Since pollen production is at its peak early in the morning, try to plan outdoor activities for other times of the day
  • Seek for clean air always – when at home, you could achieve this by keeping windows closed and using an air conditioner as well as often changing filters. When driving, keep all windows up and set the car’s air conditioner on “recirculate.”
  • A change of clothes of clothes could do – When you get home, taking a quick bath and changing clothes can work effectively at eradicating pollen that may have collected on fabrics or hair while you were outside.