Immunity-Boosting Foods

When it comes to your immune system, getting proper nutrition cannot be underestimated. The antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals you receive through your food are what keeps your body strong enough to fight off infection. It is important to make the following foods a...

Symptoms of Lupus

Millions of people suffer with the autoimmune disease known as Lupus. This chronic inflammatory disease affects a person’s immune system. Rather than fighting to protect your body from viruses and bacteria, the immune system actually attacks various organs and...

Tips on Eating Healthier

Your Health is Your Responsibility Deciding to eat healthier and making wiser food choices is a personal choice you alone must make as no one else can make this decision for you. Never before has America seen the level of obese people as there are in today’s...

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

There is more to dehydration than just being very thirsty. When your body doesn’t get enough water, it cannot function properly. When you become dehydrated, it can be mild or severe. It all depends on how much fluid is missing from your body. It is normal to...

Why Do We Have Allergies?

Allergies make thousands of people miserable in a day. We don’t even fully understand why our bodies bother to stir up such an uncomfortable reaction. Even though scientists and immunologists don’t have an exact explanation as to why we have allergies, the basics to...