The Main Causes & Symptoms of Juvenile Arthritis

  Juvenile arthritis is a disease that affects children ages 16 and under, and it involves inflammation of the tissue that lines the inside of the joints. This tissue is called synovium. What are the Causes? Most forms of juvenile arthritis are caused by a...

Understanding Sickle Cell Disease

There are many kinds of diseases that are associated with blood. Some are contagious diseases. Others are developed within the body because of lifestyle or unhealthy habits. On the other hand, there are also such diseases that are inherited, and one of these diseases...

Taking Care of Your Bladder

Your bladder is a hollow organ that holds the urine that is produced by the kidneys. The urine remains stored in the bladder until you go to the bathroom. If you don’t take care of your bladder properly, there are certain conditions that you can suffer from both...

5 Tips in Treating Allergies

Options There’s more than one option in methods of treatment for allergies. Following is a list of five strategies you can use to help curtail symptoms and survive this year’s allergy season. Know The Weather Dry and moist weather can change the pattern of...