What is World Health Day?

What is World Health Day? The World Health Day is a global celebration by people from all over the world and is held each year on 7th April. The day is sponsored by the World Health Organization which held its first assembly in Geneva in the year 1948 and it was then...

Understanding High Blood Pressure

For many, the closest they have ever come to understanding hypertension is the medical shows they watch. Unfortunately, some of these programs have inaccurate information and therefore cannot be trusted. Should you rely on them, you will be lost and find an entirely...

Understanding Mental Illnesses

Guide to Mental Illness Mental health refers to our psychological, social and emotional health. Mental health affects the way one thinks, feels and behaves. It is normal for our emotional well-being to change due to positive or negative life events. Positive events,...

How Can You Diagnose a Drug Allergy

Switching or starting a new drug prescribed by a doctor can be scary with the long line of side effects that come along with most of them these days. One of the possible serious side effects being a drug allergy, which can cause severe and even life threatening side...

Autism Risk Factors

What is Autism? Autism was first defined in 1943 by Leo Kanner as the inability to create normal, determined, emotional contact with others. Other definitions surround this primacy of lack of social reciprocity. Over the years, there has been major improvements in the...