Identifying Chocolate Allergies

Image is from Huffington Post Chocolate is a food craved by many, but someone cannot eat this sweet treat do to a food allergy. Food allergies occur anytime the body’s immune system reacts to a protein that it sees as harmful, when it is not. Those reactions can range...

Common Food Allergies

Image is from FARE Theoretically, any food you consume would cause an allergy. However, only a handful of foods can cause around 90 percent of allergic reactions to food. The substance responsible for allergic reactions in drinks or foods is known as an “allergen.” In...

Understanding Gluten Intolerance

Image is from Doctor Doni Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, barley, rye, kamut, spelt, and other grains. A gluten intolerance does not necessarily mean you have Celiac disease. There are many people who cannot tolerate gluten that do not test positive for...

5 Top Most Common Indoor Air Pollutants

Image is from whole Health InsiderThe quality of indoor air, whether it be at home or at the office, is very important to one’s health. We spend our entire lives breathing and when we are inside, it is important that the quality of the air we are breathing is just as...