Prevent Food Allergies

There are a range of allergies, and food allergy falls among them. A food allergy is described as an abnormal response to the food eaten at that given time. Not all allergies are identical, as their indications maybe be minor or other times severe. Symptoms of Food...

Signs to look for with Alzheimers

Alzheimer’s is a very serious brain disease that can cause a slow decline in the patient’s cognitive skills. Over time, the patient’s memory, reasoning skills, and thinking can begin to decline. As the disease progresses, the disease can get so...

Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer

`Your thyroid is a butterfly shape gland located at the base of your neck. The purpose of the thyroid is to produce hormones that regulate your weight, your body temperature, and your heart rate. Although thyroid cancer is not the most common type of cancer in the...

Antiviral Drugs vs. Antibiotics

There is a wide difference between antiviral drugs and antibiotics, and you should know the effects of these two drug classifications on your body. The range of antiviral medications is narrow while the range of antibiotics is quite full. Antiviral Drugs The doctor...

How to Keep Your Skin Healthy

Looking younger is big business. It seems there’s a cream or a serum for every line and wrinkle on our bodies. Sure, you can slather on a cream or two, but there are also some simple things you can do every day to keep your skin looking its best. The foods you...