Genetic Pathway to Allergies?

Image is from CO Exist An allergy is defined as a condition where the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance. There are many different types of allergies. These include: Medications Food Pollen Latex Animal Dander Mold The Genetic Risk The tendency to...

High Pollen Count This Year

Image is from Individuals with pollen allergies may face tough times this year as pollen count is said to heighten. Growth and development of trees as well their production of pollen will soon intensify since the tree season is historically known to begin...

Allergies Starting Early This Year

Image is from ABC News Mild Winters: The Agony And The Ecstasy When the sun comes out and the snow melts away, many people are overjoyed by the decreased need for warmer clothes. It is ever so nice to enjoy a day outdoors in the middle of February! But then the...

Why Do We Have Allergies?

Image is from The Huffington Post Allergies make thousands of people miserable in a day. We don’t even fully understand why our bodies bother to stir up such an uncomfortable reaction. Even though scientists and immunologists don’t have an exact explanation as to why...